"use strict"; var modes = require('../lib/modes'); module.exports = function (local, remote) { local.fetch = fetch; local.send = send; local.readRemoteRef = remote.readRef.bind(remote); local.updateRemoteRef = remote.updateRef.bind(remote); function fetch(ref, depth, callback) { if (!callback) return fetch.bind(local, ref, depth); sync(local, remote, ref, depth, callback); } function send(ref, callback) { if (!callback) return send.bind(local, ref); sync(remote, local, ref, Infinity, callback); } }; // Download remote ref with depth // Make sure to use Infinity for depth on github mounts or anything that // doesn't allow shallow clones. function sync(local, remote, ref, depth, callback) { if (typeof ref !== "string") throw new TypeError("ref must be string"); if (typeof depth !== "number") throw new TypeError("depth must be number"); var hasCache = {}; remote.readRef(ref, function (err, hash) { if (!hash) return callback(err); importCommit(hash, depth, function (err) { if (err) return callback(err); callback(null, hash); }); }); // Caching has check. function check(type, hash, callback) { if (typeof type !== "string") throw new TypeError("type must be string"); if (typeof hash !== "string") throw new TypeError("hash must be string"); if (hasCache[hash]) return callback(null, true); local.hasHash(hash, function (err, has) { if (err) return callback(err); hasCache[hash] = has; callback(null, has); }); } function importCommit(hash, depth, callback) { check("commit", hash, onCheck); function onCheck(err, has) { if (err || has) return callback(err); remote.loadAs("commit", hash, onLoad); } function onLoad(err, commit) { if (!commit) return callback(err || new Error("Missing commit " + hash)); var i = 0; importTree(commit.tree, onImport); function onImport(err) { if (err) return callback(err); if (i >= commit.parents.length || depth <= 1) { return local.saveAs("commit", commit, onSave); } importCommit(commit.parents[i++], depth - 1, onImport); } } function onSave(err, newHash) { if (err) return callback(err); if (newHash !== hash) { return callback(new Error("Commit hash mismatch " + hash + " != " + newHash)); } hasCache[hash] = true; callback(); } } function importTree(hash, callback) { check("tree", hash, onCheck); function onCheck(err, has) { if (err || has) return callback(err); remote.loadAs("tree", hash, onLoad); } function onLoad(err, tree) { if (!tree) return callback(err || new Error("Missing tree " + hash)); var i = 0; var names = Object.keys(tree); onImport(); function onImport(err) { if (err) return callback(err); if (i >= names.length) { return local.saveAs("tree", tree, onSave); } var name = names[i++]; var entry = tree[name]; if (modes.isBlob(entry.mode)) { return importBlob(entry.hash, onImport); } if (entry.mode === modes.tree) { return importTree(entry.hash, onImport); } // Skip others. onImport(); } } function onSave(err, newHash) { if (err) return callback(err); if (newHash !== hash) { return callback(new Error("Tree hash mismatch " + hash + " != " + newHash)); } hasCache[hash] = true; callback(); } } function importBlob(hash, callback) { check("blob", hash, onCheck); function onCheck(err, has) { if (err || has) return callback(err); remote.loadAs("blob", hash, onLoad); } function onLoad(err, blob) { if (!blob) return callback(err || new Error("Missing blob " + hash)); local.saveAs("blob", blob, onSave); } function onSave(err, newHash) { if (err) return callback(err); if (newHash !== hash) { return callback(new Error("Blob hash mismatch " + hash + " != " + newHash)); } hasCache[hash] = true; callback(); } } }