"use strict"; // The MIT License (MIT) // // Copyright (c) 2017 Firebase // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.DocumentBuilder = exports.beforeSnapshotConstructor = exports.snapshotConstructor = exports.NamespaceBuilder = exports.DatabaseBuilder = exports._documentWithOptions = exports._namespaceWithOptions = exports._databaseWithOptions = exports.database = exports.namespace = exports.document = exports.defaultDatabase = exports.service = exports.provider = void 0; const firebase = require("firebase-admin"); const _ = require("lodash"); const path_1 = require("path"); const apps_1 = require("../apps"); const cloud_functions_1 = require("../cloud-functions"); const change_1 = require("../common/change"); const encoder_1 = require("../encoder"); const logger = require("../logger"); /** @hidden */ exports.provider = 'google.firestore'; /** @hidden */ exports.service = 'firestore.googleapis.com'; /** @hidden */ exports.defaultDatabase = '(default)'; let firestoreInstance; /** * Select the Firestore document to listen to for events. * @param path Full database path to listen to. This includes the name of * the collection that the document is a part of. For example, if the * collection is named "users" and the document is named "Ada", then the * path is "/users/Ada". */ function document(path) { return _documentWithOptions(path, {}); } exports.document = document; /** @hidden */ // Multiple namespaces are not yet supported by Firestore. function namespace(namespace) { return _namespaceWithOptions(namespace, {}); } exports.namespace = namespace; /** @hidden */ // Multiple databases are not yet supported by Firestore. function database(database) { return _databaseWithOptions(database, {}); } exports.database = database; /** @hidden */ function _databaseWithOptions(database = exports.defaultDatabase, options) { return new DatabaseBuilder(database, options); } exports._databaseWithOptions = _databaseWithOptions; /** @hidden */ function _namespaceWithOptions(namespace, options) { return _databaseWithOptions(exports.defaultDatabase, options).namespace(namespace); } exports._namespaceWithOptions = _namespaceWithOptions; /** @hidden */ function _documentWithOptions(path, options) { return _databaseWithOptions(exports.defaultDatabase, options).document(path); } exports._documentWithOptions = _documentWithOptions; class DatabaseBuilder { /** @hidden */ constructor(database, options) { this.database = database; this.options = options; } namespace(namespace) { return new NamespaceBuilder(this.database, this.options, namespace); } document(path) { return new NamespaceBuilder(this.database, this.options).document(path); } } exports.DatabaseBuilder = DatabaseBuilder; class NamespaceBuilder { /** @hidden */ constructor(database, options, namespace) { this.database = database; this.options = options; this.namespace = namespace; } document(path) { return new DocumentBuilder(() => { if (!process.env.GCLOUD_PROJECT) { throw new Error('process.env.GCLOUD_PROJECT is not set.'); } const database = path_1.posix.join('projects', process.env.GCLOUD_PROJECT, 'databases', this.database); return path_1.posix.join(database, this.namespace ? `documents@${this.namespace}` : 'documents', path); }, this.options); } } exports.NamespaceBuilder = NamespaceBuilder; function _getValueProto(data, resource, valueFieldName) { if (_.isEmpty(_.get(data, valueFieldName))) { // Firestore#snapshot_ takes resource string instead of proto for a non-existent snapshot return resource; } const proto = { fields: _.get(data, [valueFieldName, 'fields'], {}), createTime: (0, encoder_1.dateToTimestampProto)(_.get(data, [valueFieldName, 'createTime'])), updateTime: (0, encoder_1.dateToTimestampProto)(_.get(data, [valueFieldName, 'updateTime'])), name: _.get(data, [valueFieldName, 'name'], resource), }; return proto; } /** @hidden */ function snapshotConstructor(event) { var _a; if (!firestoreInstance) { firestoreInstance = firebase.firestore((0, apps_1.apps)().admin); } const valueProto = _getValueProto(event.data, event.context.resource.name, 'value'); let timeString = (_a = _.get(event, 'data.value.readTime')) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : _.get(event, 'data.value.updateTime'); if (!timeString) { logger.warn('Snapshot has no readTime. Using now()'); timeString = new Date().toISOString(); } const readTime = (0, encoder_1.dateToTimestampProto)(timeString); return firestoreInstance.snapshot_(valueProto, readTime, 'json'); } exports.snapshotConstructor = snapshotConstructor; /** @hidden */ // TODO remove this function when wire format changes to new format function beforeSnapshotConstructor(event) { if (!firestoreInstance) { firestoreInstance = firebase.firestore((0, apps_1.apps)().admin); } const oldValueProto = _getValueProto(event.data, event.context.resource.name, 'oldValue'); const oldReadTime = (0, encoder_1.dateToTimestampProto)(_.get(event, 'data.oldValue.readTime')); return firestoreInstance.snapshot_(oldValueProto, oldReadTime, 'json'); } exports.beforeSnapshotConstructor = beforeSnapshotConstructor; function changeConstructor(raw) { return change_1.Change.fromObjects(beforeSnapshotConstructor(raw), snapshotConstructor(raw)); } class DocumentBuilder { /** @hidden */ constructor(triggerResource, options) { this.triggerResource = triggerResource; this.options = options; // TODO what validation do we want to do here? } /** Respond to all document writes (creates, updates, or deletes). */ onWrite(handler) { return this.onOperation(handler, 'document.write', changeConstructor); } /** Respond only to document updates. */ onUpdate(handler) { return this.onOperation(handler, 'document.update', changeConstructor); } /** Respond only to document creations. */ onCreate(handler) { return this.onOperation(handler, 'document.create', snapshotConstructor); } /** Respond only to document deletions. */ onDelete(handler) { return this.onOperation(handler, 'document.delete', beforeSnapshotConstructor); } onOperation(handler, eventType, dataConstructor) { return (0, cloud_functions_1.makeCloudFunction)({ handler, provider: exports.provider, eventType, service: exports.service, triggerResource: this.triggerResource, legacyEventType: `providers/cloud.firestore/eventTypes/${eventType}`, dataConstructor, options: this.options, }); } } exports.DocumentBuilder = DocumentBuilder;