# [Elixir JSON](https://hex.pm/packages/json) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/cblage/elixir-json.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/cblage/elixir-json) [![Hex.pm](https://img.shields.io/hexpm/dt/json.svg?style=flat-square)](https://hex.pm/packages/json) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/cblage/elixir-json/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/cblage/elixir-json?branch=master) [![Inline docs](http://inch-ci.org/github/cblage/elixir-json.svg)](http://inch-ci.org/github/cblage/elixir-json) This library provides a natively implemented JSON encoder and decoder for Elixir. You can find the package in [hex.pm](https://hex.pm/packages/json) and the documentation in [hexdocs.pm](https://hexdocs.pm/json/readme.html). All contributions are welcome! # Installing Simply add ```{:json, "~> 1.4"}``` to your project's ```mix.exs``` and run ```mix deps.get```. # Usage Encoding an Elixir type ```elixir @doc " JSON encode an Elixir list " list = [key: "this will be a value"] is_list(list) # true list[:key] # "this will be a value" {status, result} = JSON.encode(list) # {:ok, "{\"key\":\"this will be a value\"}"} String.length(result) # 41 ``` Decoding a list from a string that contains JSON ```elixir @doc " JSON decode a string into an Elixir list " json_input = "{\"key\":\"this will be a value\"}" {status, list} = JSON.decode(json_input) {:ok, %{"key" => "this will be a value"}} list[:key] # nil list["key"] # "this will be a value" ``` At any time, you can turn on verbose logging for this library only. To do so, head to config file of your application and add below lines: ```elixir use Mix.Config config :logger, level: :debug config :json, log_level: :debug ``` Note that, changing only `:logger` level to `:info`, `:warn` or `:error` will silent `:json` too. # License The Elixir JSON library is available under the [BSD 3-Clause aka "BSD New" license](http://www.tldrlegal.com/l/BSD3)