'use strict'; const AbstractQuery = require('../abstract/query'); const sequelizeErrors = require('../../errors'); const _ = require('lodash'); const DataTypes = require('../../data-types'); const { logger } = require('../../utils/logger'); const ER_DUP_ENTRY = 1062; const ER_DEADLOCK = 1213; const ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED = 1451; const ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW = 1452; const debug = logger.debugContext('sql:mariadb'); class Query extends AbstractQuery { constructor(connection, sequelize, options) { super(connection, sequelize, { showWarnings: false, ...options }); } static formatBindParameters(sql, values, dialect) { const bindParam = []; const replacementFunc = (match, key, values_) => { if (values_[key] !== undefined) { bindParam.push(values_[key]); return '?'; } return undefined; }; sql = AbstractQuery.formatBindParameters(sql, values, dialect, replacementFunc)[0]; return [sql, bindParam.length > 0 ? bindParam : undefined]; } async run(sql, parameters) { this.sql = sql; const { connection, options } = this; const showWarnings = this.sequelize.options.showWarnings || options.showWarnings; const complete = this._logQuery(sql, debug, parameters); if (parameters) { debug('parameters(%j)', parameters); } let results; const errForStack = new Error(); try { results = await connection.query(this.sql, parameters); } catch (error) { if (options.transaction && error.errno === ER_DEADLOCK) { // MariaDB automatically rolls-back transactions in the event of a deadlock. // However, we still initiate a manual rollback to ensure the connection gets released - see #13102. try { await options.transaction.rollback(); } catch (error_) { // Ignore errors - since MariaDB automatically rolled back, we're // not that worried about this redundant rollback failing. } options.transaction.finished = 'rollback'; } error.sql = sql; error.parameters = parameters; throw this.formatError(error, errForStack.stack); } finally { complete(); } if (showWarnings && results && results.warningStatus > 0) { await this.logWarnings(results); } return this.formatResults(results); } /** * High level function that handles the results of a query execution. * * * Example: * query.formatResults([ * { * id: 1, // this is from the main table * attr2: 'snafu', // this is from the main table * Tasks.id: 1, // this is from the associated table * Tasks.title: 'task' // this is from the associated table * } * ]) * * @param {Array} data - The result of the query execution. * @private */ formatResults(data) { let result = this.instance; if (this.isBulkUpdateQuery() || this.isBulkDeleteQuery()) { return data.affectedRows; } if (this.isUpsertQuery()) { return [result, data.affectedRows === 1]; } if (this.isInsertQuery(data)) { this.handleInsertQuery(data); if (!this.instance) { // handle bulkCreate AI primary key if ( this.model && this.model.autoIncrementAttribute && this.model.autoIncrementAttribute === this.model.primaryKeyAttribute && this.model.rawAttributes[this.model.primaryKeyAttribute] ) { // ONLY TRUE IF @auto_increment_increment is set to 1 !! // Doesn't work with GALERA => each node will reserve increment (x for first server, x+1 for next node...) const startId = data[this.getInsertIdField()]; result = new Array(data.affectedRows); const pkField = this.model.rawAttributes[this.model.primaryKeyAttribute].field; for (let i = 0; i < data.affectedRows; i++) { result[i] = { [pkField]: startId + i }; } return [result, data.affectedRows]; } return [data[this.getInsertIdField()], data.affectedRows]; } } if (this.isSelectQuery()) { this.handleJsonSelectQuery(data); return this.handleSelectQuery(data); } if (this.isInsertQuery() || this.isUpdateQuery()) { return [result, data.affectedRows]; } if (this.isCallQuery()) { return data[0]; } if (this.isRawQuery()) { const meta = data.meta; delete data.meta; return [data, meta]; } if (this.isShowIndexesQuery()) { return this.handleShowIndexesQuery(data); } if (this.isForeignKeysQuery() || this.isShowConstraintsQuery()) { return data; } if (this.isShowTablesQuery()) { return this.handleShowTablesQuery(data); } if (this.isDescribeQuery()) { result = {}; for (const _result of data) { result[_result.Field] = { type: _result.Type.toLowerCase().startsWith('enum') ? _result.Type.replace(/^enum/i, 'ENUM') : _result.Type.toUpperCase(), allowNull: _result.Null === 'YES', defaultValue: _result.Default, primaryKey: _result.Key === 'PRI', autoIncrement: Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(_result, 'Extra') && _result.Extra.toLowerCase() === 'auto_increment', comment: _result.Comment ? _result.Comment : null }; } return result; } if (this.isVersionQuery()) { return data[0].version; } return result; } handleJsonSelectQuery(rows) { if (!this.model || !this.model.fieldRawAttributesMap) { return; } for (const _field of Object.keys(this.model.fieldRawAttributesMap)) { const modelField = this.model.fieldRawAttributesMap[_field]; if (modelField.type instanceof DataTypes.JSON) { // Value is returned as String, not JSON rows = rows.map(row => { if (row[modelField.fieldName] && typeof row[modelField.fieldName] === 'string') { row[modelField.fieldName] = JSON.parse(row[modelField.fieldName]); } if (DataTypes.JSON.parse) { return DataTypes.JSON.parse(modelField, this.sequelize.options, row[modelField.fieldName]); } return row; }); } } } async logWarnings(results) { const warningResults = await this.run('SHOW WARNINGS'); const warningMessage = `MariaDB Warnings (${this.connection.uuid || 'default'}): `; const messages = []; for (const _warningRow of warningResults) { if (_warningRow === undefined || typeof _warningRow[Symbol.iterator] !== 'function') { continue; } for (const _warningResult of _warningRow) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(_warningResult, 'Message')) { messages.push(_warningResult.Message); } else { for (const _objectKey of _warningResult.keys()) { messages.push([_objectKey, _warningResult[_objectKey]].join(': ')); } } } } this.sequelize.log(warningMessage + messages.join('; '), this.options); return results; } formatError(err, errStack) { switch (err.errno) { case ER_DUP_ENTRY: { const match = err.message.match( /Duplicate entry '([\s\S]*)' for key '?((.|\s)*?)'?\s.*$/); let fields = {}; let message = 'Validation error'; const values = match ? match[1].split('-') : undefined; const fieldKey = match ? match[2] : undefined; const fieldVal = match ? match[1] : undefined; const uniqueKey = this.model && this.model.uniqueKeys[fieldKey]; if (uniqueKey) { if (uniqueKey.msg) message = uniqueKey.msg; fields = _.zipObject(uniqueKey.fields, values); } else { fields[fieldKey] = fieldVal; } const errors = []; _.forOwn(fields, (value, field) => { errors.push(new sequelizeErrors.ValidationErrorItem( this.getUniqueConstraintErrorMessage(field), 'unique violation', // sequelizeErrors.ValidationErrorItem.Origins.DB, field, value, this.instance, 'not_unique' )); }); return new sequelizeErrors.UniqueConstraintError({ message, errors, parent: err, fields, stack: errStack }); } case ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED: case ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW: { // e.g. CONSTRAINT `example_constraint_name` FOREIGN KEY (`example_id`) REFERENCES `examples` (`id`) const match = err.message.match( /CONSTRAINT ([`"])(.*)\1 FOREIGN KEY \(\1(.*)\1\) REFERENCES \1(.*)\1 \(\1(.*)\1\)/ ); const quoteChar = match ? match[1] : '`'; const fields = match ? match[3].split(new RegExp(`${quoteChar}, *${quoteChar}`)) : undefined; return new sequelizeErrors.ForeignKeyConstraintError({ reltype: err.errno === ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED ? 'parent' : 'child', table: match ? match[4] : undefined, fields, value: fields && fields.length && this.instance && this.instance[fields[0]] || undefined, index: match ? match[2] : undefined, parent: err, stack: errStack }); } default: return new sequelizeErrors.DatabaseError(err, { stack: errStack }); } } handleShowTablesQuery(results) { return results.map(resultSet => ({ tableName: resultSet.TABLE_NAME, schema: resultSet.TABLE_SCHEMA })); } handleShowIndexesQuery(data) { let currItem; const result = []; data.forEach(item => { if (!currItem || currItem.name !== item.Key_name) { currItem = { primary: item.Key_name === 'PRIMARY', fields: [], name: item.Key_name, tableName: item.Table, unique: item.Non_unique !== 1, type: item.Index_type }; result.push(currItem); } currItem.fields[item.Seq_in_index - 1] = { attribute: item.Column_name, length: item.Sub_part || undefined, order: item.Collation === 'A' ? 'ASC' : undefined }; }); return result; } } module.exports = Query;