var should = require('should'); var SeqQueue = require('../lib/seq-queue'); var timeout = 1000; describe('seq-queue', function() { describe('#createQueue', function() { it('should return a seq-queue instance with init properties', function() { var queue = SeqQueue.createQueue(timeout); should.exist(queue);'timeout', timeout);'status', SeqQueue.IDLE); }); }); describe('#push' , function() { it('should change the queue status from idle to busy and invoke the task at once when task finish when queue idle', function(done) { var queue = SeqQueue.createQueue(timeout);'status', SeqQueue.IDLE); queue.push(function(task) { should.exist(task); task.done();'status', SeqQueue.IDLE); done(); });'status', SeqQueue.BUSY); }); it('should keep the status busy and keep the new task wait until the former tasks finish when queue busy', function(done) { var queue = SeqQueue.createQueue(timeout); var formerTaskFinished = false; //add first task queue.push(function(task) { formerTaskFinished = true; task.done(); });'status', SeqQueue.BUSY); //add second task queue.push(function(task) {;'status', SeqQueue.BUSY); task.done();'status', SeqQueue.IDLE); done(); });'status', SeqQueue.BUSY); }); it('should ok if the task call done() directly', function(done) { var queue = SeqQueue.createQueue(); var taskCount = 0; queue.push(function(task) { taskCount++; task.done(); }); queue.push(function(task) { taskCount++; task.done(); }); setTimeout(function() { taskCount.should.equal(2); done(); }, 500); }); }); describe('#close', function() { it('should not accept new request but should execute the rest task in queue when close gracefully', function(done) { var queue = SeqQueue.createQueue(timeout); var closedEventCount = 0; var drainedEventCount = 0; queue.on('closed', function() { closedEventCount++; }); queue.on('drained', function() { drainedEventCount++; }); var executedTaskCount = 0; queue.push(function(task) { executedTaskCount++; task.done(); }); queue.close(false);'status', SeqQueue.CLOSED); queue.push(function(task) { // never should be executed executedTaskCount++; task.done(); }); // wait all task finished setTimeout(function() { executedTaskCount.should.equal(1); closedEventCount.should.equal(1); drainedEventCount.should.equal(1); done(); }, 1000); }); it('should not execute any task and emit a drained event when close forcefully', function(done) { var queue = SeqQueue.createQueue(timeout); var drainedEventCount = 0; queue.on('drained', function() { drainedEventCount++; }); var executedTaskCount = 0; queue.push(function(task) { //never should be executed executedTaskCount++; task.done(); }); queue.close(true);'status', SeqQueue.DRAINED); // wait all task finished setTimeout(function() { executedTaskCount.should.equal(0); drainedEventCount.should.equal(1); done(); }, 1000); }); }); describe('#timeout', function() { it('should emit timeout event and execute the next task when a task timeout by default', function(done) { var queue = SeqQueue.createQueue(); var executedTaskCount = 0; var timeoutCount = 0; var onTimeoutCount = 0; //add timeout listener queue.on('timeout', function(task) {'object');'function'); timeoutCount++; }); queue.push(function(task) { executedTaskCount++; //no task.done() invoke to cause a timeout }, function() { onTimeoutCount++; }); queue.push(function(task) { executedTaskCount++; task.done(); }); setTimeout(function() { //wait all task finish;;; done(); }, 4000); //default timeout is 3s }); it('should return false when invoke task.done() if task has already timeout', function(done) { var queue = SeqQueue.createQueue(); var executedTaskCount = 0; var timeoutCount = 0; var timeout = 1000; //add timeout listener queue.on('timeout', function(task) {'object');'function'); timeoutCount++; }); queue.push(function(task) { executedTaskCount++; task.done(); }); queue.push(function(task) { //sleep to make a timeout setTimeout(function() { executedTaskCount++; task.done(); }, timeout + 1000); }, null, timeout); setTimeout(function() { //wait all task finish;; done(); }, 4000); }); it('should never timeout after close forcefully', function(done) { var queue = SeqQueue.createQueue(timeout); var timeoutCount = 0; //add timeout listener queue.on('timeout', function(task) { //should never enter here timeoutCount++; }); queue.push(function(task) { //no task.done() invoke to cause a timeout }); queue.close(true); setTimeout(function() { //wait all task finish; done(); }, timeout * 2); }); it('should use the global timeout value by default', function(done) { var globalTimeout = timeout + 100; var queue = SeqQueue.createQueue(globalTimeout); //add timeout listener queue.on('timeout', function(task) { ( - start); done(); }); queue.push(function(task) { //no task.done() invoke to cause a timeout }); var start =; }); it('should use the timeout value in #push if it was assigned', function(done) { var localTimeout = timeout / 2; var queue = SeqQueue.createQueue(timeout); //add timeout listener queue.on('timeout', function(task) { var diff = - start;;; done(); }); queue.push(function(task) { //no task.done() invoke to cause a timeout }, null, localTimeout); var start =; }); }); describe('#error', function() { it('should emit an error event and invoke next task when a task throws an event', function(done) { var queue = SeqQueue.createQueue(); var errorCount = 0; var taskCount = 0; //add timeout listener queue.on('error', function(err, task) { errorCount++; should.exist(err); should.exist(task); }); queue.push(function(task) { taskCount++; throw new Error('some error'); }); queue.push(function(task) { taskCount++; task.done(); }); setTimeout(function() { taskCount.should.equal(2); errorCount.should.equal(1); done(); }, 500); }); it('should be ok when task throw a error after done was invoked', function(done) { var queue = SeqQueue.createQueue(); var errorCount = 0; var taskCount = 0; //add timeout listener queue.on('error', function(err, task) { errorCount++; should.exist(err); should.exist(task); }); queue.push(function(task) { taskCount++; task.done(); throw new Error('some error'); }); queue.push(function(task) { taskCount++; task.done(); }); setTimeout(function() { taskCount.should.equal(2); errorCount.should.equal(1); done(); }, 500); }); }); });