125 lines
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125 lines
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import { DataType } from '../data-types';
import { CreateOptions, FindOptions, Model, ModelCtor, SaveOptions } from '../model';
import { Association, AssociationOptions, SingleAssociationAccessors } from './base';
// type ModelCtor<M extends Model> = InstanceType<typeof M>;
* Options provided when associating models with belongsTo relationship
* @see Association class belongsTo method
export interface BelongsToOptions extends AssociationOptions {
* The name of the field to use as the key for the association in the target table. Defaults to the primary
* key of the target table
targetKey?: string;
* A string or a data type to represent the identifier in the table
keyType?: DataType;
export class BelongsTo<S extends Model = Model, T extends Model = Model> extends Association<S, T> {
public accessors: SingleAssociationAccessors;
constructor(source: ModelCtor<S>, target: ModelCtor<T>, options: BelongsToOptions);
* The options for the getAssociation mixin of the belongsTo association.
* @see BelongsToGetAssociationMixin
export interface BelongsToGetAssociationMixinOptions extends FindOptions<any> {
* Apply a scope on the related model, or remove its default scope by passing false.
scope?: string | string[] | boolean;
* The getAssociation mixin applied to models with belongsTo.
* An example of usage is as follows:
* ```js
* User.belongsTo(Role);
* interface UserInstance extends Sequelize.Instance<UserInstance, UserAttrib>, UserAttrib {
* getRole: Sequelize.BelongsToGetAssociationMixin<RoleInstance>;
* // setRole...
* // createRole...
* }
* ```
* @see https://sequelize.org/master/class/lib/associations/belongs-to.js~BelongsTo.html
* @see Instance
export type BelongsToGetAssociationMixin<TModel> = (options?: BelongsToGetAssociationMixinOptions) => Promise<TModel>;
* The options for the setAssociation mixin of the belongsTo association.
* @see BelongsToSetAssociationMixin
export interface BelongsToSetAssociationMixinOptions extends SaveOptions<any> {
* Skip saving this after setting the foreign key if false.
save?: boolean;
* The setAssociation mixin applied to models with belongsTo.
* An example of usage is as follows:
* ```js
* User.belongsTo(Role);
* interface UserInstance extends Sequelize.Instance<UserInstance, UserAttributes>, UserAttributes {
* // getRole...
* setRole: Sequelize.BelongsToSetAssociationMixin<RoleInstance, RoleId>;
* // createRole...
* }
* ```
* @see https://sequelize.org/master/class/lib/associations/belongs-to.js~BelongsTo.html
* @see Instance
export type BelongsToSetAssociationMixin<TModel, TPrimaryKey> = (
newAssociation?: TModel | TPrimaryKey,
options?: BelongsToSetAssociationMixinOptions
) => Promise<void>;
* The options for the createAssociation mixin of the belongsTo association.
* @see BelongsToCreateAssociationMixin
export interface BelongsToCreateAssociationMixinOptions
extends CreateOptions<any>, BelongsToSetAssociationMixinOptions {}
* The createAssociation mixin applied to models with belongsTo.
* An example of usage is as follows:
* ```js
* User.belongsTo(Role);
* interface UserInstance extends Sequelize.Instance<UserInstance, UserAttributes>, UserAttributes {
* // getRole...
* // setRole...
* createRole: Sequelize.BelongsToCreateAssociationMixin<RoleAttributes>;
* }
* ```
* @see https://sequelize.org/master/class/lib/associations/belongs-to.js~BelongsTo.html
* @see Instance
export type BelongsToCreateAssociationMixin<TModel extends Model> = (
values?: TModel['_creationAttributes'],
options?: BelongsToCreateAssociationMixinOptions
) => Promise<TModel>;
export default BelongsTo;