/************************************************************************** * jquery.themepunch.revolution.js - jQuery Plugin for Revolution Slider * @version: (30.05.2016) * @requires jQuery v1.7 or later (tested on 1.9) * @author ThemePunch **************************************************************************/ (function(jQuery,undefined){ "use strict"; jQuery.fn.extend({ revolution: function(options) { // SET DEFAULT VALUES OF ITEM // var defaults = { delay:9000, responsiveLevels:4064, // Single or Array for Responsive Levels i.e.: 4064 or i.e. [2048, 1024, 768, 480] visibilityLevels:[2048,1024,778,480], // Single or Array for Responsive Visibility Levels i.e.: 4064 or i.e. [2048, 1024, 768, 480] gridwidth:960, // Single or Array i.e. 960 or [960, 840,760,460] gridheight:500, // Single or Array i.e. 500 or [500, 450,400,350] minHeight:0, autoHeight:"off", sliderType : "standard", // standard, carousel, hero sliderLayout : "auto", // auto, fullwidth, fullscreen fullScreenAutoWidth:"off", // Turns the FullScreen Slider to be a FullHeight but auto Width Slider fullScreenAlignForce:"off", fullScreenOffsetContainer:"", // Size for FullScreen Slider minimising Calculated on the Container sizes fullScreenOffset:"0", // Size for FullScreen Slider minimising hideCaptionAtLimit:0, // It Defines if a caption should be shown under a Screen Resolution ( Basod on The Width of Browser) hideAllCaptionAtLimit:0, // Hide all The Captions if Width of Browser is less then this value hideSliderAtLimit:0, // Hide the whole slider, and stop also functions if Width of Browser is less than this value disableProgressBar:"off", // Hides Progress Bar if is set to "on" stopAtSlide:-1, // Stop Timer if Slide "x" has been Reached. If stopAfterLoops set to 0, then it stops already in the first Loop at slide X which defined. -1 means do not stop at any slide. stopAfterLoops has no sinn in this case. stopAfterLoops:-1, // Stop Timer if All slides has been played "x" times. IT will stop at THe slide which is defined via stopAtSlide:x, if set to -1 slide never stop automatic shadow:0, //0 = no Shadow, 1,2,3 = 3 Different Art of Shadows (No Shadow in Fullwidth Version !) dottedOverlay:"none", //twoxtwo, threexthree, twoxtwowhite, threexthreewhite startDelay:0, // Delay before the first Animation starts. lazyType : "smart", //full, smart, single spinner:"spinner0", shuffle:"off", // Random Order of Slides, viewPort:{ enable:false, // if enabled, slider wait with start or wait at first slide. outof:"wait", // wait,pause visible_area:"60%" }, fallbacks:{ isJoomla:false, panZoomDisableOnMobile:"off", simplifyAll:"on", nextSlideOnWindowFocus:"off", disableFocusListener:true, ignoreHeightChanges:"off", // off, mobile, always ignoreHeightChangesSize:0 }, parallax : { type : "off", // off, mouse, scroll, mouse+scroll levels: [10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85], origo:"enterpoint", // slidercenter or enterpoint speed:400, bgparallax : "off", opacity:"on", disable_onmobile:"off", ddd_shadow:"on", ddd_bgfreeze:"off", ddd_overflow:"visible", ddd_layer_overflow:"visible", ddd_z_correction:65, ddd_path:"mouse" }, carousel : { horizontal_align : "center", vertical_align : "center", infinity : "on", space : 0, maxVisibleItems : 3, stretch:"off", fadeout:"on", maxRotation:0, minScale:0, vary_fade:"off", vary_rotation:"on", vary_scale:"off", border_radius:"0px", padding_top:0, padding_bottom:0 }, navigation : { keyboardNavigation:"off", keyboard_direction:"horizontal", // horizontal - left/right arrows, vertical - top/bottom arrows mouseScrollNavigation:"off", // on, off, carousel onHoverStop:"on", // Stop Banner Timet at Hover on Slide on/off touch:{ touchenabled:"off", // Enable Swipe Function : on/off swipe_treshold : 75, // The number of pixels that the user must move their finger by before it is considered a swipe. swipe_min_touches : 1, // Min Finger (touch) used for swipe drag_block_vertical:false, // Prevent Vertical Scroll during Swipe swipe_direction:"horizontal" }, arrows: { style:"", enable:false, hide_onmobile:false, hide_onleave:true, hide_delay:200, hide_delay_mobile:1200, hide_under:0, hide_over:9999, tmp:'', rtl:false, left : { h_align:"left", v_align:"center", h_offset:20, v_offset:0, container:"slider", }, right : { h_align:"right", v_align:"center", h_offset:20, v_offset:0, container:"slider", } }, bullets: { container:"slider", rtl:false, style:"", enable:false, hide_onmobile:false, hide_onleave:true, hide_delay:200, hide_delay_mobile:1200, hide_under:0, hide_over:9999, direction:"horizontal", h_align:"left", v_align:"center", space:0, h_offset:20, v_offset:0, tmp:'' }, thumbnails: { container:"slider", rtl:false, style:"", enable:false, width:100, height:50, min_width:100, wrapper_padding:2, wrapper_color:"#f5f5f5", wrapper_opacity:1, tmp:'', visibleAmount:5, hide_onmobile:false, hide_onleave:true, hide_delay:200, hide_delay_mobile:1200, hide_under:0, hide_over:9999, direction:"horizontal", span:false, position:"inner", space:2, h_align:"left", v_align:"center", h_offset:20, v_offset:0 }, tabs: { container:"slider", rtl:false, style:"", enable:false, width:100, min_width:100, height:50, wrapper_padding:10, wrapper_color:"#f5f5f5", wrapper_opacity:1, tmp:'', visibleAmount:5, hide_onmobile:false, hide_onleave:true, hide_delay:200, hide_delay_mobile:1200, hide_under:0, hide_over:9999, direction:"horizontal", span:false, space:0, position:"inner", h_align:"left", v_align:"center", h_offset:20, v_offset:0 } }, extensions:"extensions/", //example extensions/ or extensions/source/ extensions_suffix:".min.js", //addons:[{fileprefix:"revolution.addon.whiteboard",init:"initWhiteBoard",params:"opt",handel:"whiteboard"}], debugMode:false }; // Merge of Defaults options = jQuery.extend(true,{},defaults, options); return this.each(function() { var c = jQuery(this); // Prepare maxHeight options.minHeight = options.minHeight!=undefined ? parseInt(options.minHeight,0) : options.minHeight; //REMOVE SLIDES IF SLIDER IS HERO if (options.sliderType=="hero") { c.find('>ul>li').each(function(i) { if (i>0) jQuery(this).remove(); }) } options.jsFileLocation = options.jsFileLocation || getScriptLocation("themepunch.revolution.min.js"); options.jsFileLocation = options.jsFileLocation + options.extensions; options.scriptsneeded = getNeededScripts(options,c); options.curWinRange = 0; options.rtl = true; //jQuery('body').hasClass("rtl"); if (options.navigation!=undefined && options.navigation.touch!=undefined) options.navigation.touch.swipe_min_touches = options.navigation.touch.swipe_min_touches >5 ? 1 : options.navigation.touch.swipe_min_touches; jQuery(this).on("scriptsloaded",function() { if (options.modulesfailing ) { c.html('
!! Error at loading Slider Revolution 5.0 Extrensions.'+options.errorm+'
').show(); return false; } // CHECK FOR MIGRATION if (_R.migration!=undefined) options = _R.migration(c,options); punchgs.force3D = true; if (options.simplifyAll!=="on") punchgs.TweenLite.lagSmoothing(1000,16); prepareOptions(c,options); initSlider(c,options); }); c.data('opt',options); waitForScripts(c,options); }) }, // Remove a Slide from the Slider revremoveslide : function(sindex) { return this.each(function() { var container=jQuery(this); if (container!=undefined && container.length>0 && jQuery('body').find('#'+container.attr('id')).length>0) { var bt = container.parent().find('.tp-bannertimer'), opt = bt.data('opt'); if (opt && opt.li.length>0) { if (sindex>0 || sindex<=opt.li.length) { var li = jQuery(opt.li[sindex]), ref = li.data("index"), nextslideafter = false; opt.slideamount = opt.slideamount-1; removeNavWithLiref('.tp-bullet',ref,opt); removeNavWithLiref('.tp-tab',ref,opt); removeNavWithLiref('.tp-thumb',ref,opt); if (li.hasClass('active-revslide')) nextslideafter = true; li.remove(); opt.li = removeArray(opt.li,sindex); if (opt.carousel && opt.carousel.slides) opt.carousel.slides = removeArray(opt.carousel.slides,sindex) opt.thumbs = removeArray(opt.thumbs,sindex); if (_R.updateNavIndexes) _R.updateNavIndexes(opt); if (nextslideafter) container.revnext(); punchgs.TweenLite.set(opt.li,{minWidth:"99%"}); punchgs.TweenLite.set(opt.li,{minWidth:"100%"}); } } } }); }, // Add a New Call Back to some Module revaddcallback: function(callback) { return this.each(function() { var container=jQuery(this); if (container!=undefined && container.length>0 && jQuery('body').find('#'+container.attr('id')).length>0) { var bt = container.parent().find('.tp-bannertimer'), opt = bt.data('opt'); if (opt.callBackArray === undefined) opt.callBackArray = new Array(); opt.callBackArray.push(callback); } }) }, // Get Current Parallax Proc revgetparallaxproc : function() { var container=jQuery(this); if (container!=undefined && container.length>0 && jQuery('body').find('#'+container.attr('id')).length>0) { var bt = container.parent().find('.tp-bannertimer'), opt = bt.data('opt'); return opt.scrollproc; } }, // ENABLE DEBUG MODE revdebugmode: function() { return this.each(function() { var container=jQuery(this); if (container!=undefined && container.length>0 && jQuery('body').find('#'+container.attr('id')).length>0) { var bt = container.parent().find('.tp-bannertimer'), opt = bt.data('opt'); opt.debugMode = true; containerResized(container,opt); } }) }, // METHODE SCROLL revscroll: function(oy) { return this.each(function() { var container=jQuery(this); if (container!=undefined && container.length>0 && jQuery('body').find('#'+container.attr('id')).length>0) jQuery('body,html').animate({scrollTop:(container.offset().top+(container.height())-oy)+"px"},{duration:400}); }) }, // METHODE PAUSE revredraw: function(oy) { return this.each(function() { var container=jQuery(this); if (container!=undefined && container.length>0 && jQuery('body').find('#'+container.attr('id')).length>0) { var bt = container.parent().find('.tp-bannertimer'); var opt = bt.data('opt'); containerResized(container,opt); } }) }, // METHODE PAUSE revkill: function(oy) { var self = this, container=jQuery(this); punchgs.TweenLite.killDelayedCallsTo(_R.showHideNavElements); if (_R.endMoveCaption) if (opt.endtimeouts && opt.endtimeouts.length>0) jQuery.each(opt.endtimeouts,function(i,timeo) { clearTimeout(timeo);}); //punchgs.TweenLite.killDelayedCallsTo(_R.endMoveCaption); if (container!=undefined && container.length>0 && jQuery('body').find('#'+container.attr('id')).length>0) { container.data('conthover',1); container.data('conthover-changed',1); container.trigger('revolution.slide.onpause'); var bt = container.parent().find('.tp-bannertimer'), opt = bt.data('opt'); opt.tonpause = true; container.trigger('stoptimer'); punchgs.TweenLite.killTweensOf(container.find('*'),false); punchgs.TweenLite.killTweensOf(container,false); container.unbind('hover, mouseover, mouseenter,mouseleave, resize'); var resizid = "resize.revslider-"+container.attr('id'); jQuery(window).off(resizid); container.find('*').each(function() { var el = jQuery(this); el.unbind('on, hover, mouseenter,mouseleave,mouseover, resize,restarttimer, stoptimer'); el.off('on, hover, mouseenter,mouseleave,mouseover, resize'); el.data('mySplitText',null); el.data('ctl',null); if (el.data('tween')!=undefined) el.data('tween').kill(); if (el.data('kenburn')!=undefined) el.data('kenburn').kill(); if (el.data('timeline_out')!=undefined) el.data('timeline_out').kill(); if (el.data('timeline')!=undefined) el.data('timeline').kill(); el.remove(); el.empty(); el=null; }) punchgs.TweenLite.killTweensOf(container.find('*'),false); punchgs.TweenLite.killTweensOf(container,false); bt.remove(); try{container.closest('.forcefullwidth_wrapper_tp_banner').remove();} catch(e) {} try{container.closest('.rev_slider_wrapper').remove()} catch(e) {} try{container.remove();} catch(e) {} container.empty(); container.html(); container = null; opt = null; delete(self.c); delete(self.opt); return true; } else { return false; } }, // METHODE PAUSE revpause: function() { return this.each(function() { var c=jQuery(this); if (c!=undefined && c.length>0 && jQuery('body').find('#'+c.attr('id')).length>0) { c.data('conthover',1); c.data('conthover-changed',1); c.trigger('revolution.slide.onpause'); var bt = c.parent().find('.tp-bannertimer'); var opt = bt.data('opt'); opt.tonpause = true; c.trigger('stoptimer'); } }) }, // METHODE RESUME revresume: function() { return this.each(function() { var c=jQuery(this); if (c!=undefined && c.length>0 && jQuery('body').find('#'+c.attr('id')).length>0) { c.data('conthover',0); c.data('conthover-changed',1); c.trigger('revolution.slide.onresume'); var bt = c.parent().find('.tp-bannertimer'); var opt = bt.data('opt'); opt.tonpause = false; c.trigger('starttimer'); } }) }, revstart: function() { //return this.each(function() { var c=jQuery(this); if (c!=undefined && c.length>0 && jQuery('body').find('#'+c.attr('id')).length>0 && c.data('opt')) { if (!c.data('opt')["sliderisrunning"]) { runSlider(c,c.data('opt')); return true; } else { console.log("Slider Is Running Already"); return false; } } //}) }, // METHODE NEXT revnext: function() { return this.each(function() { // CATCH THE CONTAINER var c=jQuery(this); if (c!=undefined && c.length>0 && jQuery('body').find('#'+c.attr('id')).length>0) { var bt = c.parent().find('.tp-bannertimer'), opt = bt.data('opt'); _R.callingNewSlide(opt,c,1); } }) }, // METHODE RESUME revprev: function() { return this.each(function() { // CATCH THE CONTAINER var c=jQuery(this); if (c!=undefined && c.length>0 && jQuery('body').find('#'+c.attr('id')).length>0) { var bt = c.parent().find('.tp-bannertimer'), opt = bt.data('opt'); _R.callingNewSlide(opt,c,-1); } }) }, // METHODE LENGTH revmaxslide: function() { // CATCH THE CONTAINER return jQuery(this).find('.tp-revslider-mainul >li').length; }, // METHODE CURRENT revcurrentslide: function() { // CATCH THE CONTAINER var c=jQuery(this); if (c!=undefined && c.length>0 && jQuery('body').find('#'+c.attr('id')).length>0) { var bt = c.parent().find('.tp-bannertimer'); var opt = bt.data('opt'); return parseInt(opt.act,0)+1; } }, // METHODE CURRENT revlastslide: function() { // CATCH THE CONTAINER return jQuery(this).find('.tp-revslider-mainul >li').length; }, // METHODE JUMP TO SLIDE revshowslide: function(slide) { return this.each(function() { // CATCH THE CONTAINER var c=jQuery(this); if (c!=undefined && c.length>0 && jQuery('body').find('#'+c.attr('id')).length>0) { var bt = c.parent().find('.tp-bannertimer'), opt = bt.data('opt'); _R.callingNewSlide(opt,c,"to"+(slide-1)); } }) }, revcallslidewithid: function(slide) { return this.each(function() { // CATCH THE CONTAINER var c=jQuery(this); if (c!=undefined && c.length>0 && jQuery('body').find('#'+c.attr('id')).length>0) { var bt = c.parent().find('.tp-bannertimer'), opt = bt.data('opt'); _R.callingNewSlide(opt,c,slide); } }) } }); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // - REVOLUTION FUNCTION EXTENSIONS FOR GLOBAL USAGE - // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var _R = jQuery.fn.revolution; jQuery.extend(true, _R, { simp : function(a,b,basic) { var c = Math.abs(a) - (Math.floor(Math.abs(a / b))*b); if (basic) return c; else return a<0 ? -1*c : c; }, // - IS IOS VERSION OLDER THAN 5 ?? iOSVersion : function() { var oldios = false; if((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i))) { if (navigator.userAgent.match(/OS 4_\d like Mac OS X/i)) { oldios = true; } } else { oldios = false; } return oldios; }, // - CHECK IF BROWSER IS IE - isIE : function( version, comparison ){ var $div = jQuery('
').appendTo(jQuery('body')); $div.html(''); var ieTest = $div.find('a').length; $div.remove(); return ieTest; }, // - IS MOBILE ?? is_mobile : function() { var agents = ['android', 'webos', 'iphone', 'ipad', 'blackberry','Android', 'webos', ,'iPod', 'iPhone', 'iPad', 'Blackberry', 'BlackBerry']; var ismobile=false; for(var i in agents) { if (navigator.userAgent.split(agents[i]).length>1) { ismobile = true; } } return ismobile; }, // - CALL BACK HANDLINGS - // callBackHandling : function(opt,type,position) { try{ if (opt.callBackArray) jQuery.each(opt.callBackArray,function(i,c) { if (c) { if (c.inmodule && c.inmodule === type) if (c.atposition && c.atposition === position) if (c.callback) c.callback.call(); } }); } catch(e) { console.log("Call Back Failed"); } }, get_browser : function(){ var N=navigator.appName, ua=navigator.userAgent, tem; var M=ua.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie)\/?\s*(\.?\d+(\.\d+)*)/i); if(M && (tem= ua.match(/version\/([\.\d]+)/i))!= null) M[2]= tem[1]; M=M? [M[1], M[2]]: [N, navigator.appVersion, '-?']; return M[0]; }, get_browser_version : function(){ var N=navigator.appName, ua=navigator.userAgent, tem; var M=ua.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie)\/?\s*(\.?\d+(\.\d+)*)/i); if(M && (tem= ua.match(/version\/([\.\d]+)/i))!= null) M[2]= tem[1]; M=M? [M[1], M[2]]: [N, navigator.appVersion, '-?']; return M[1]; }, // GET THE HORIZONTAL OFFSET OF SLIDER BASED ON THE THU`MBNAIL AND TABS LEFT AND RIGHT SIDE getHorizontalOffset : function(container,side) { var thumbloff = gWiderOut(container,'.outer-left'), thumbroff = gWiderOut(container,'.outer-right'); switch (side) { case "left": return thumbloff; break; case "right": return thumbroff; break; case "both": return thumbloff+thumbroff; break; } }, // - CALLING THE NEW SLIDE - // callingNewSlide : function(opt,container,direction) { var aindex = container.find('.next-revslide').length>0 ? container.find('.next-revslide').index() : container.find('.processing-revslide').length>0 ? container.find('.processing-revslide').index() : container.find('.active-revslide').index(), nindex = 0; container.find('.next-revslide').removeClass("next-revslide"); // IF WE ARE ON AN INVISIBLE SLIDE CURRENTLY if (container.find('.active-revslide').hasClass("tp-invisible-slide")) aindex = opt.last_shown_slide; // SET NEXT DIRECTION if (direction && jQuery.isNumeric(direction) || direction.match(/to/g)) { if (direction===1 || direction === -1) { nindex = aindex + direction; nindex = nindex<0 ? opt.slideamount-1 : nindex>=opt.slideamount ? 0 : nindex; } else { direction=jQuery.isNumeric(direction) ? direction : parseInt(direction.split("to")[1],0); nindex = direction<0 ? 0 : direction>opt.slideamount-1 ? opt.slideamount-1 : direction; } container.find('.tp-revslider-slidesli:eq('+nindex+')').addClass("next-revslide"); } else if (direction) { container.find('.tp-revslider-slidesli').each(function() { var li=jQuery(this); if (li.data('index')===direction) li.addClass("next-revslide"); }) } nindex = container.find('.next-revslide').index(); container.trigger("revolution.nextslide.waiting"); if ((aindex===nindex && aindex === opt.last_shown_slide) || (nindex !== aindex && nindex!=-1)) swapSlide(container,opt); else container.find('.next-revslide').removeClass("next-revslide"); }, slotSize : function(img,opt) { opt.slotw=Math.ceil(opt.width/opt.slots); if (opt.sliderLayout=="fullscreen") opt.sloth=Math.ceil(jQuery(window).height()/opt.slots); else opt.sloth=Math.ceil(opt.height/opt.slots); if (opt.autoHeight=="on" && img!==undefined && img!=="") opt.sloth=Math.ceil(img.height()/opt.slots); }, setSize : function(opt) { var ofh = (opt.top_outer || 0) + (opt.bottom_outer || 0), cpt = parseInt((opt.carousel.padding_top||0),0), cpb = parseInt((opt.carousel.padding_bottom||0),0), maxhei = opt.gridheight[opt.curWinRange]; opt.paddings = opt.paddings === undefined ? {top:(parseInt(opt.c.parent().css("paddingTop"),0) || 0), bottom:(parseInt(opt.c.parent().css("paddingBottom"),0) || 0)} : opt.paddings; maxhei = maxheiopt.gridheight[opt.curWinRange] && opt.autoHeight!="on") opt.height=opt.gridheight[opt.curWinRange]; if (opt.sliderLayout=="fullscreen" || opt.infullscreenmode) { opt.height = opt.bw * opt.gridheight[opt.curWinRange]; var cow = opt.c.parent().width(); var coh = jQuery(window).height(); if (opt.fullScreenOffsetContainer!=undefined) { try{ var offcontainers = opt.fullScreenOffsetContainer.split(","); if (offcontainers) jQuery.each(offcontainers,function(index,searchedcont) { coh = jQuery(searchedcont).length>0 ? coh - jQuery(searchedcont).outerHeight(true) : coh; }); } catch(e) {} try{ if (opt.fullScreenOffset.split("%").length>1 && opt.fullScreenOffset!=undefined && opt.fullScreenOffset.length>0) coh = coh - (jQuery(window).height()* parseInt(opt.fullScreenOffset,0)/100); else if (opt.fullScreenOffset!=undefined && opt.fullScreenOffset.length>0) coh = coh - parseInt(opt.fullScreenOffset,0); } catch(e) {} } coh = coh0) { jQuery.each(opt.lastplayedvideos,function(i,_nc) { _R.playVideo(_nc,opt); }); } }, leaveViewPort : function(opt) { opt.sliderlaststatus = opt.sliderstatus; opt.c.trigger("stoptimer"); if (opt.playingvideos != undefined && opt.playingvideos.length>0) { opt.lastplayedvideos = jQuery.extend(true,[],opt.playingvideos); if (opt.playingvideos) jQuery.each(opt.playingvideos,function(i,_nc) { opt.leaveViewPortBasedStop = true; if (_R.stopVideo) _R.stopVideo(_nc,opt); }); } }, unToggleState : function(a) { if (a!=undefined && a.length>0) jQuery.each(a,function(i,layer) { layer.removeClass("rs-toggle-content-active"); }); }, toggleState : function(a) { if (a!=undefined && a.length>0) jQuery.each(a,function(i,layer) { layer.addClass("rs-toggle-content-active"); }); }, lastToggleState : function(a) { var state = 0; if (a!=undefined && a.length>0) jQuery.each(a,function(i,layer) { state = layer.hasClass("rs-toggle-content-active"); }); return state; } }); var _ISM = _R.is_mobile(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var removeArray = function(arr,i) { var newarr = []; jQuery.each(arr,function(a,b) { if (a!=i) newarr.push(b); }) return newarr; } var removeNavWithLiref = function(a,ref,opt) { opt.c.find(a).each(function() { var a = jQuery(this); if (a.data('liref')===ref) a.remove(); }) } var lAjax = function(s,o) { if (jQuery('body').data(s)) return false; if (o.filesystem) { if (o.errorm===undefined) o.errorm = "
Local Filesystem Detected !
Put this to your header:"; console.warn('Local Filesystem detected !'); o.errorm = o.errorm+'
<script type="text/javascript" src="'+o.jsFileLocation+s+o.extensions_suffix+'"></script>'; console.warn(o.jsFileLocation+s+o.extensions_suffix+' could not be loaded !'); console.warn('Please use a local Server or work online or make sure that you load all needed Libraries manually in your Document.'); console.log(" "); o.modulesfailing = true; return false; } jQuery.ajax({ url:o.jsFileLocation+s+o.extensions_suffix, 'dataType':'script', 'cache':true, "error":function(e) { console.warn("Slider Revolution 5.0 Error !") console.error("Failure at Loading:"+s+o.extensions_suffix+" on Path:"+o.jsFileLocation) console.info(e); } }); jQuery('body').data(s,true); } var getNeededScripts = function(o,c) { var n = new Object(), _n = o.navigation; n.kenburns = false; n.parallax = false; n.carousel = false; n.navigation = false; n.videos = false; n.actions = false; n.layeranim = false; n.migration = false; // MIGRATION EXTENSION if (!c.data('version') || !c.data('version').toString().match(/5./gi)) { n.kenburns = true; n.parallax = true; n.carousel = false; n.navigation = true; n.videos = true; n.actions = true; n.layeranim = true; n.migration = true; } else { // KEN BURN MODUL c.find('img').each(function(){ if (jQuery(this).data('kenburns')=="on") n.kenburns = true; }); // NAVIGATION EXTENSTION if (o.sliderType =="carousel" || _n.keyboardNavigation=="on" || _n.mouseScrollNavigation=="on" || _n.touch.touchenabled=="on" || _n.arrows.enable || _n.bullets.enable || _n.thumbnails.enable || _n.tabs.enable ) n.navigation = true; // LAYERANIM, VIDEOS, ACTIONS EXTENSIONS c.find('.tp-caption, .tp-static-layer, .rs-background-video-layer').each(function(){ var _nc = jQuery(this); if ((_nc.data('ytid')!=undefined || _nc.find('iframe').length>0 && _nc.find('iframe').attr('src').toLowerCase().indexOf('youtube')>0)) n.videos = true; if ((_nc.data('vimeoid')!=undefined || _nc.find('iframe').length>0 && _nc.find('iframe').attr('src').toLowerCase().indexOf('vimeo')>0)) n.videos = true; if (_nc.data('actions')!==undefined) n.actions = true; n.layeranim = true; }); c.find('li').each(function() { if (jQuery(this).data('link') && jQuery(this).data('link')!=undefined) { n.layeranim = true; n.actions = true; } }) // VIDEO EXTENSION if (!n.videos && (c.find('.rs-background-video-layer').length>0 || c.find(".tp-videolayer").length>0 || c.find(".tp-audiolayer") || c.find('iframe').length>0 || c.find('video').length>0)) n.videos = true; // VIDEO EXTENSION if (o.sliderType =="carousel") n.carousel = true; if (o.parallax.type!=="off" || o.viewPort.enable || o.viewPort.enable=="true") n.parallax = true; } if (o.sliderType=="hero") { n.carousel = false; n.navigation = false; } if (window.location.href.match(/file:/gi)) { n.filesystem = true; o.filesystem = true; } // LOAD THE NEEDED LIBRARIES if (n.videos && typeof _R.isVideoPlaying=='undefined') lAjax('revolution.extension.video',o); if (n.carousel && typeof _R.prepareCarousel=='undefined') lAjax('revolution.extension.carousel',o); if (!n.carousel && typeof _R.animateSlide=='undefined') lAjax('revolution.extension.slideanims',o); if (n.actions && typeof _R.checkActions=='undefined') lAjax('revolution.extension.actions',o); if (n.layeranim && typeof _R.handleStaticLayers=='undefined') lAjax('revolution.extension.layeranimation',o); if (n.kenburns && typeof _R.stopKenBurn=='undefined') lAjax('revolution.extension.kenburn',o); if (n.navigation && typeof _R.createNavigation=='undefined') lAjax('revolution.extension.navigation',o); if (n.migration && typeof _R.migration=='undefined') lAjax('revolution.extension.migration',o); if (n.parallax && typeof _R.checkForParallax=='undefined') lAjax('revolution.extension.parallax',o); if (o.addons!=undefined && o.addons.length>0) { jQuery.each(o.addons, function(i,obj) { if (typeof obj === "object" && obj.fileprefix!=undefined) lAjax(obj.fileprefix,o); }) } return n; } /////////////////////////////////// // - WAIT FOR SCRIPT LOADS - // /////////////////////////////////// var waitForScripts = function(c,o) { // CHECK KEN BURN DEPENDENCIES var addonsloaded = true, n = o.scriptsneeded; // CHECK FOR ADDONS if (o.addons!=undefined && o.addons.length>0) { jQuery.each(o.addons, function(i,obj) { if (typeof obj === "object" && obj.init!=undefined) { if (_R[obj.init]===undefined) addonsloaded = false; } }) } if (n.filesystem || (typeof punchgs !== 'undefined' && (addonsloaded) && (!n.kenburns || (n.kenburns && typeof _R.stopKenBurn !== 'undefined')) && (!n.navigation || (n.navigation && typeof _R.createNavigation !== 'undefined')) && (!n.carousel || (n.carousel && typeof _R.prepareCarousel !== 'undefined')) && (!n.videos || (n.videos && typeof _R.resetVideo !== 'undefined')) && (!n.actions || (n.actions && typeof _R.checkActions !== 'undefined')) && (!n.layeranim || (n.layeranim && typeof _R.handleStaticLayers !== 'undefined')) && (!n.migration || (n.migration && typeof _R.migration !== 'undefined')) && (!n.parallax || (n.parallax && typeof _R.checkForParallax !== 'undefined')) && (n.carousel || (!n.carousel && typeof _R.animateSlide !== 'undefined')) )) c.trigger("scriptsloaded"); else setTimeout(function() { waitForScripts(c,o); },50); } ////////////////////////////////// // - GET SCRIPT LOCATION - // ////////////////////////////////// var getScriptLocation = function(a) { var srcexp = new RegExp("themepunch.revolution.min.js","gi"), ret = ""; jQuery("script").each(function() { var src = jQuery(this).attr("src"); if (src && src.match(srcexp)) ret = src; }); ret = ret.replace('jquery.themepunch.revolution.min.js', ''); ret = ret.replace('jquery.themepunch.revolution.js', ''); ret = ret.split("?")[0]; return ret; } ////////////////////////////////////////// // - ADVANCED RESPONSIVE LEVELS - // ////////////////////////////////////////// var setCurWinRange = function(opt,vis) { var curlevel = 0, curwidth = 9999, lastmaxlevel = 0, lastmaxid = 0, curid = 0, winw = jQuery(window).width(), l = vis && opt.responsiveLevels==9999 ? opt.visibilityLevels : opt.responsiveLevels; if (l && l.length) jQuery.each(l,function(index,level) { if (winwlevel) { curwidth = level; curid = index; lastmaxlevel = level; } } if (winw>level && lastmaxlevel'); // PREPRARE SOME CLASSES AND VARIABLES container.find('>ul').addClass("tp-revslider-mainul"); // CREATE SOME DEFAULT OPTIONS FOR LATER opt.c=container; opt.ul = container.find('.tp-revslider-mainul'); // Remove Not Needed Slides for Mobile Devices opt.ul.find('>li').each(function(i) { var li = jQuery(this); if (li.data('hideslideonmobile')=="on" && _ISM) li.remove(); if (li.data('invisible') || li.data('invisible')===true) { li.addClass("tp-invisible-slide"); li.appendTo(opt.ul); } }); if (opt.addons!=undefined && opt.addons.length>0) { jQuery.each(opt.addons, function(i,obj) { if (typeof obj === "object" && obj.init!=undefined) { _R[obj.init](eval(obj.params)); } }) } opt.cid = container.attr('id'); opt.ul.css({visibility:"visible"}); opt.slideamount = opt.ul.find('>li').not('.tp-invisible-slide').length; opt.slayers = container.find('.tp-static-layers'); if (opt.waitForInit == true) return; else { container.data('opt',opt); runSlider(container,opt); } } var runSlider = function(container,opt) { opt.sliderisrunning = true; // Save Original Index of Slides opt.ul.find('>li').each(function(i) { jQuery(this).data('originalindex',i); }); // RANDOMIZE THE SLIDER SHUFFLE MODE if (opt.shuffle=="on") { var fsa = new Object, fli = opt.ul.find('>li:first-child'); fsa.fstransition = fli.data('fstransition'); fsa.fsmasterspeed = fli.data('fsmasterspeed'); fsa.fsslotamount = fli.data('fsslotamount'); for (var u=0;uli:eq('+it+')').prependTo(opt.ul); } var newfli = opt.ul.find('>li:first-child'); newfli.data('fstransition',fsa.fstransition); newfli.data('fsmasterspeed',fsa.fsmasterspeed); newfli.data('fsslotamount',fsa.fsslotamount); // COLLECT ALL LI INTO AN ARRAY opt.li = opt.ul.find('>li').not('.tp-invisible-slide'); } opt.allli = opt.ul.find('>li'); opt.li = opt.ul.find('>li').not('.tp-invisible-slide'); opt.inli = opt.ul.find('>li.tp-invisible-slide'); opt.thumbs = new Array(); opt.slots=4; opt.act=-1; opt.firststart=1; opt.loadqueue = new Array(); opt.syncload = 0; opt.conw = container.width(); opt.conh = container.height(); if (opt.responsiveLevels.length>1) opt.responsiveLevels[0] = 9999; else opt.responsiveLevels = 9999; // RECORD THUMBS AND SET INDEXES jQuery.each(opt.allli,function(index,li) { var li = jQuery(li), img = li.find('.rev-slidebg') || li.find('img').first(), i = 0; li.addClass("tp-revslider-slidesli"); if (li.data('index')===undefined) li.data('index','rs-'+Math.round(Math.random()*999999)); var obj = new Object; obj.params = new Array(); obj.id = li.data('index'); obj.src = li.data('thumb')!==undefined ? li.data('thumb') : img.data('lazyload') !== undefined ? img.data('lazyload') : img.attr('src'); if (li.data('title') !== undefined) obj.params.push({from:RegExp("\\{\\{title\\}\\}","g"), to:li.data("title")}) if (li.data('description') !== undefined) obj.params.push({from:RegExp("\\{\\{description\\}\\}","g"), to:li.data("description")}) for (var i=1;i<=10;i++) { if (li.data("param"+i)!==undefined) obj.params.push({from:RegExp("\\{\\{param"+i+"\\}\\}","g"), to:li.data("param"+i)}) } opt.thumbs.push(obj); li.data('origindex',li.index()); // IF LINK ON SLIDE EXISTS, NEED TO CREATE A PROPER LAYER FOR IT. if (li.data('link')!=undefined) { var link = li.data('link'), target= li.data('target') || "_self", zindex= li.data('slideindex')==="back" ? 0 : 60, linktoslide=li.data('linktoslide'), checksl = linktoslide; if (linktoslide != undefined) if (linktoslide!="next" && linktoslide!="prev") opt.allli.each(function() { var t = jQuery(this); if (t.data('origindex')+1==checksl) linktoslide = t.data('index'); }); if (link!="slide") linktoslide="no"; var apptxt = ''; li.append(apptxt); } }); // CREATE GRID WIDTH AND HEIGHT ARRAYS opt.rle = opt.responsiveLevels.length || 1; opt.gridwidth = cArray(opt.gridwidth,opt.rle); opt.gridheight = cArray(opt.gridheight,opt.rle); // END OF VERSION 5.0 INIT MODIFICATION // SIMPLIFY ANIMATIONS ON OLD IOS AND IE8 IF NEEDED if (opt.simplifyAll=="on" && (_R.isIE(8) || _R.iOSVersion())) { container.find('.tp-caption').each(function() { var tc = jQuery(this); tc.removeClass("customin customout").addClass("fadein fadeout"); tc.data('splitin',""); tc.data('speed',400); }) opt.allli.each(function() { var li= jQuery(this); li.data('transition',"fade"); li.data('masterspeed',500); li.data('slotamount',1); var img = li.find('.rev-slidebg') || li.find('>img').first(); img.data('kenburns',"off"); }); } opt.desktop = !navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android|BlackBerry|BB10|mobi|tablet|opera mini|nexus 7)/i); // SOME OPTIONS WHICH SHOULD CLOSE OUT SOME OTHER SETTINGS opt.autoHeight = opt.sliderLayout=="fullscreen" ? "on" : opt.autoHeight; if (opt.sliderLayout=="fullwidth" && opt.autoHeight=="off") container.css({maxHeight:opt.gridheight[opt.curWinRange]+"px"}); // BUILD A FORCE FULLWIDTH CONTAINER, TO SPAN THE FULL SLIDER TO THE FULL WIDTH OF BROWSER if (opt.sliderLayout!="auto" && container.closest('.forcefullwidth_wrapper_tp_banner').length==0) { if (opt.sliderLayout!=="fullscreen" || opt.fullScreenAutoWidth!="on") { var cp = container.parent(), mb = cp.css('marginBottom'), mt = cp.css('marginTop'), cid = container.attr('id')+"_forcefullwidth"; mb = mb===undefined ? 0 : mb; mt = mt===undefined ? 0 : mt; cp.wrap('
'); container.closest('.forcefullwidth_wrapper_tp_banner').append('
'); container.parent().css({marginTop:"0px",marginBottom:"0px"}); //container.css({'backgroundColor':container.parent().css('backgroundColor'),'backgroundImage':container.parent().css('backgroundImage')}); container.parent().css({position:'absolute'}); } } // SHADOW ADD ONS if (opt.shadow!==undefined && opt.shadow>0) { container.parent().addClass('tp-shadow'+opt.shadow); container.parent().append('
'); container.parent().find('.tp-shadowcover').css({'backgroundColor':container.parent().css('backgroundColor'),'backgroundImage':container.parent().css('backgroundImage')}); } // ESTIMATE THE CURRENT WINDOWS RANGE INDEX setCurWinRange(opt); setCurWinRange(opt,true); // IF THE CONTAINER IS NOT YET INITIALISED, LETS GO FOR IT if (!container.hasClass("revslider-initialised")) { // MARK THAT THE CONTAINER IS INITIALISED WITH SLIDER REVOLUTION ALREADY container.addClass("revslider-initialised"); // FOR BETTER SELECTION, ADD SOME BASIC CLASS container.addClass("tp-simpleresponsive"); // WE DONT HAVE ANY ID YET ? WE NEED ONE ! LETS GIVE ONE RANDOMLY FOR RUNTIME if (container.attr('id')==undefined) container.attr('id',"revslider-"+Math.round(Math.random()*1000+5)); // CHECK IF FIREFOX 13 IS ON WAY.. IT HAS A STRANGE BUG, CSS ANIMATE SHOULD NOT BE USED opt.firefox13 = false; opt.ie = !jQuery.support.opacity; opt.ie9 = (document.documentMode == 9); opt.origcd=opt.delay; // CHECK THE jQUERY VERSION var version = jQuery.fn.jquery.split('.'), versionTop = parseFloat(version[0]), versionMinor = parseFloat(version[1]), versionIncrement = parseFloat(version[2] || '0'); if (versionTop==1 && versionMinor < 7) container.html('
The Current Version of jQuery:'+version+'
Please update your jQuery Version to min. 1.7 in Case you wish to use the Revolution Slider Plugin
'); if (versionTop>1) opt.ie=false; // PREPARE VIDEO PLAYERS var addedApis = new Object(); addedApis.addedyt=0; addedApis.addedvim=0; addedApis.addedvid=0; container.find('.tp-caption, .rs-background-video-layer').each(function(i) { var _nc = jQuery(this), an = _nc.data('autoplayonlyfirsttime'), ap = _nc.data('autoplay'), al = _nc.hasClass("tp-audiolayer"), loop = _nc.data('videoloop'); if (_nc.hasClass("tp-static-layer") && _R.handleStaticLayers) _R.handleStaticLayers(_nc,opt); var pom = _nc.data('noposteronmobile') || _nc.data('noPosterOnMobile') || _nc.data('posteronmobile') || _nc.data('posterOnMobile') || _nc.data('posterOnMObile'); _nc.data('noposteronmobile',pom); // FIX VISIBLE IFRAME BUG IN SAFARI var iff = 0; _nc.find('iframe').each(function() { punchgs.TweenLite.set(jQuery(this),{autoAlpha:0}); iff++; }) if (iff>0) _nc.data('iframes',true) if (_nc.hasClass("tp-caption")) { // PREPARE LAYERS AND WRAP THEM WITH PARALLAX, LOOP, MASK HELP CONTAINERS var ec = _nc.hasClass("slidelink") ? "width:100% !important;height:100% !important;" : ""; _nc.wrap(''); var lar = ['pendulum', 'rotate','slideloop','pulse','wave'], _lc = _nc.closest('.tp-loop-wrap'); jQuery.each(lar,function(i,k) { var lw = _nc.find('.rs-'+k), f = lw.data() || ""; if (f!="") { _lc.data(f); _lc.addClass("rs-"+k); lw.children(0).unwrap(); _nc.data('loopanimation',"on"); } }); punchgs.TweenLite.set(_nc,{visibility:"hidden"}); } var as = _nc.data('actions'); if (as!==undefined) _R.checkActions(_nc,opt,as); checkHoverDependencies(_nc,opt); if (_R.checkVideoApis) addedApis = _R.checkVideoApis(_nc,opt,addedApis); // REMOVE VIDEO AUTOPLAYS FOR MOBILE DEVICES if (_ISM) { if (an == true || an=="true") { _nc.data('autoplayonlyfirsttime',"false"); an=false; } if (ap==true || ap=="true" || ap=="on" || ap=="1sttime") { _nc.data('autoplay',"off"); ap="off"; } } //loop = loop=="none" && _nc.hasClass('rs-background-video-layer') ? "loopandnoslidestop" : loop; _nc.data('videoloop',loop); // PREPARE TIMER BEHAVIOUR BASED ON AUTO PLAYED VIDEOS IN SLIDES if (!al && (an == true || an=="true" || ap == "1sttime") && loop !="loopandnoslidestop") _nc.closest('li.tp-revslider-slidesli').addClass("rs-pause-timer-once"); if (!al && (ap==true || ap=="true" || ap == "on" || ap == "no1sttime") && loop !="loopandnoslidestop") _nc.closest('li.tp-revslider-slidesli').addClass("rs-pause-timer-always"); }); container.hover( function() { container.trigger('tp-mouseenter'); opt.overcontainer=true; }, function() { container.trigger('tp-mouseleft'); opt.overcontainer=false; }); container.on('mouseover',function() { container.trigger('tp-mouseover'); opt.overcontainer=true; }) // REMOVE ANY VIDEO JS SETTINGS OF THE VIDEO IF NEEDED (OLD FALL BACK, AND HELP FOR 3THD PARTY PLUGIN CONFLICTS) container.find('.tp-caption video').each(function(i) { var v = jQuery(this); v.removeClass("video-js vjs-default-skin"); v.attr("preload",""); v.css({display:"none"}); }); //PREPARE LOADINGS ALL IN SEQUENCE if (opt.sliderType!=="standard") opt.lazyType = "all"; // PRELOAD STATIC LAYERS loadImages(container.find('.tp-static-layers'),opt,0,true); waitForCurrentImages(container.find('.tp-static-layers'),opt,function() { container.find('.tp-static-layers img').each(function() { var e = jQuery(this), src = e.data('lazyload') != undefined ? e.data('lazyload') : e.attr('src'), loadobj = getLoadObj(opt,src); e.attr('src',loadobj.src) }) }) // SET ALL LI AN INDEX AND INIT LAZY LOADING opt.allli.each(function(i) { var li = jQuery(this); if (opt.lazyType=="all" || (opt.lazyType=="smart" && (i==0 || i == 1 || i == opt.slideamount || i == opt.slideamount-1))) { loadImages(li,opt,i); waitForCurrentImages(li,opt,function() { if (opt.sliderType=="carousel") punchgs.TweenLite.to(li,1,{autoAlpha:1,ease:punchgs.Power3.easeInOut}); }); } }); // IF DEEPLINK HAS BEEN SET var deeplink = getUrlVars("#")[0]; if (deeplink.length<9) { if (deeplink.split('slide').length>1) { var dslide=parseInt(deeplink.split('slide')[1],0); if (dslide<1) dslide=1; if (dslide>opt.slideamount) dslide=opt.slideamount; opt.startWithSlide=dslide-1; } } // PREPARE THE SPINNER container.append( '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'+ '
'); // RESET THE TIMER if (container.find('.tp-bannertimer').length===0) container.append(''); container.find('.tp-bannertimer').css({'width':'0%'}); container.find('.tp-bannertimer').data('opt',opt); // PREPARE THE SLIDES opt.ul.css({'display':'block'}); prepareSlides(container,opt); if (opt.parallax.type!=="off" && _R.checkForParallax) _R.checkForParallax(container,opt); // PREPARE SLIDER SIZE _R.setSize(opt); // Call the Navigation Builder if (opt.sliderType!=="hero" && _R.createNavigation) _R.createNavigation(container,opt); if (_R.resizeThumbsTabs && _R.resizeThumbsTabs) _R.resizeThumbsTabs(opt); contWidthManager(opt); var _v = opt.viewPort; opt.inviewport = false; if (_v !=undefined && _v.enable) { if (!jQuery.isNumeric(_v.visible_area)) if (_v.visible_area.indexOf('%')!==-1) _v.visible_area = parseInt(_v.visible_area)/100; if (_R.scrollTicker) _R.scrollTicker(opt,container); } // START THE SLIDER setTimeout(function() { if ( opt.sliderType =="carousel" && _R.prepareCarousel) _R.prepareCarousel(opt); if (!_v.enable || (_v.enable && opt.inviewport) || (_v.enable && !opt.inviewport && !_v.outof=="wait")) { swapSlide(container,opt); } else opt.waitForFirstSlide = true; if (_R.manageNavigation) _R.manageNavigation(opt); // START COUNTDOWN if (opt.slideamount>1) { if (!_v.enable || (_v.enable && opt.inviewport)) countDown(container,opt); else opt.waitForCountDown = true; } setTimeout(function() { container.trigger('revolution.slide.onloaded'); },100); },opt.startDelay); opt.startDelay=0; /****************************** - FULLSCREEN CHANGE - ********************************/ // FULLSCREEN MODE TESTING jQuery("body").data('rs-fullScreenMode',false); jQuery(window).on ('mozfullscreenchange webkitfullscreenchange fullscreenchange',function(){ jQuery("body").data('rs-fullScreenMode',!jQuery("body").data('rs-fullScreenMode')); if (jQuery("body").data('rs-fullScreenMode')) { setTimeout(function() { jQuery(window).trigger("resize"); },200); } }); var resizid = "resize.revslider-"+container.attr('id'); // IF RESIZED, NEED TO STOP ACTUAL TRANSITION AND RESIZE ACTUAL IMAGES jQuery(window).on(resizid,function() { if (container==undefined) return false; if (jQuery('body').find(container)!=0) contWidthManager(opt); var hchange = false; if (opt.sliderLayout=="fullscreen") { var jwh = jQuery(window).height(); if ((opt.fallbacks.ignoreHeightChanges=="mobile" && _ISM) || opt.fallbacks.ignoreHeightChanges=="always") { opt.fallbacks.ignoreHeightChangesSize = opt.fallbacks.ignoreHeightChangesSize == undefined ? 0 : opt.fallbacks.ignoreHeightChangesSize; hchange = (jwh!=opt.lastwindowheight) && (Math.abs(jwh-opt.lastwindowheight) > opt.fallbacks.ignoreHeightChangesSize) } else { hchange = (jwh!=opt.lastwindowheight) } } if (container.outerWidth(true)!=opt.width || container.is(":hidden") || (hchange)) { opt.lastwindowheight = jQuery(window).height(); containerResized(container,opt); } }); hideSliderUnder(container,opt); contWidthManager(opt); if (!opt.fallbacks.disableFocusListener && opt.fallbacks.disableFocusListener != "true" && opt.fallbacks.disableFocusListener !== true) tabBlurringCheck(container,opt); } } /************************************* - CREATE SIMPLE ARRAYS - **************************************/ var cArray = function(b,l) { if (!jQuery.isArray(b)) { var t = b; b = new Array(); b.push(t); } if (b.length0 && (cli.hasClass("active-revslide")) || cli.hasClass("processing-revslide")) || (stl.length>0)) { if (otl!=undefined) { otl.pause(0); otl.kill(); } _R.animateSingleCaption(tnc,opt,base_offsetx,base_offsety,0,false,true); var tl = tnc.data('timeline'); tnc.data('triggerstate',"on"); tl.play(0); } }); }); opt.c.on('tp-mouseleft',function() { if (opt.layersonhover) jQuery.each(opt.layersonhover,function(i,tnc) { tnc.data('animdirection',"out"); tnc.data('triggered',true); tnc.data('triggerstate',"off"); if (_R.stopVideo) _R.stopVideo(tnc,opt); if (_R.endMoveCaption) _R.endMoveCaption(tnc,null,null,opt); }); }); opt.layersonhover = new Array; } opt.layersonhover.push(_nc); } } var contWidthManager = function(opt) { var rl = _R.getHorizontalOffset(opt.c,"left"); if (opt.sliderLayout!="auto" && (opt.sliderLayout!=="fullscreen" || opt.fullScreenAutoWidth!="on")) { var loff = Math.ceil(opt.c.closest('.forcefullwidth_wrapper_tp_banner').offset().left - rl); punchgs.TweenLite.set(opt.c.parent(),{'left':(0-loff)+"px",'width':jQuery(window).width()-_R.getHorizontalOffset(opt.c,"both")}); } else { if (opt.sliderLayout=="fullscreen" && opt.fullScreenAutoWidth=="on") punchgs.TweenLite.set(opt.ul,{left:0,width:opt.c.width()}); else punchgs.TweenLite.set(opt.ul,{left:rl,width:opt.c.width()-_R.getHorizontalOffset(opt.c,"both")}); } // put Static Layer Wrapper in Position if (opt.slayers && (opt.sliderLayout!="fullwidth" && opt.sliderLayout!="fullscreen")) punchgs.TweenLite.set(opt.slayers,{left:rl}); } var cv = function(a,d) { return a===undefined ? d : a; } var hideSliderUnder = function(container,opt,resized) { // FIRST TIME STOP/START HIDE / SHOW SLIDER //REMOVE AND SHOW SLIDER ON DEMAND var contpar= container.parent(); if (jQuery(window).width()opt.bw) opt.bh=opt.bw else opt.bw = opt.bh; if (opt.bh>1 || opt.bw>1) { opt.bw=1; opt.bh=1; } } ///////////////////////////////////////// // - PREPARE THE SLIDES / SLOTS - // /////////////////////////////////////// var prepareSlides = function(container,opt) { container.find('.tp-caption').each(function() { var c = jQuery(this); if (c.data('transition')!==undefined) c.addClass(c.data('transition')); }); // PREPARE THE UL CONTAINER TO HAVEING MAX HEIGHT AND HEIGHT FOR ANY SITUATION opt.ul.css({overflow:'hidden',width:'100%',height:'100%',maxHeight:container.parent().css('maxHeight')}) if (opt.autoHeight=="on") { opt.ul.css({overflow:'hidden',width:'100%',height:'100%',maxHeight:"none"}); container.css({'maxHeight':'none'}); container.parent().css({'maxHeight':'none'}); } //_R.setSize("",opt); opt.allli.each(function(j) { var li=jQuery(this), originalIndex = li.data('originalindex'); //START WITH CORRECT SLIDE if ((opt.startWithSlide !=undefined && originalIndex==opt.startWithSlide) || opt.startWithSlide ===undefined && j==0) li.addClass("next-revslide"); // MAKE LI OVERFLOW HIDDEN FOR FURTHER ISSUES li.css({'width':'100%','height':'100%','overflow':'hidden'}); }); if (opt.sliderType === "carousel") { //SET CAROUSEL opt.ul.css({overflow:"visible"}).wrap(''); var apt = '
'; opt.c.parent().prepend(apt); opt.c.parent().append(apt); _R.prepareCarousel(opt); } // RESOLVE OVERFLOW HIDDEN OF MAIN CONTAINER container.parent().css({'overflow':'visible'}); opt.allli.find('>img').each(function(j) { var img=jQuery(this), bgvid = img.closest('li').find('.rs-background-video-layer'); bgvid.addClass("defaultvid").css({zIndex:30}); img.addClass('defaultimg'); // TURN OF KEN BURNS IF WE ARE ON MOBILE AND IT IS WISHED SO if (opt.fallbacks.panZoomDisableOnMobile == "on" && _ISM) { img.data('kenburns',"off"); img.data('bgfit',"cover"); } img.wrap('
'); bgvid.appendTo(img.closest('li').find('.slotholder')); var dts = img.data(); img.closest('.slotholder').data(dts); if (bgvid.length>0 && dts.bgparallax!=undefined) bgvid.data('bgparallax',dts.bgparallax); if (opt.dottedOverlay!="none" && opt.dottedOverlay!=undefined) img.closest('.slotholder').append('
'); var src=img.attr('src'); dts.src = src; dts.bgfit = dts.bgfit || "cover"; dts.bgrepeat = dts.bgrepeat || "no-repeat", dts.bgposition = dts.bgposition || "center center"; var pari = img.closest('.slotholder'); img.parent().append('
'); var comment = document.createComment("Runtime Modification - Img tag is Still Available for SEO Goals in Source - " + img.get(0).outerHTML); img.replaceWith(comment); img = pari.find('.tp-bgimg'); img.data(dts); img.attr("src",src); if (opt.sliderType === "standard" || opt.sliderType==="undefined") img.css({'opacity':0}); }) } // REMOVE SLOTS // var removeSlots = function(container,opt,where,addon) { opt.removePrepare = opt.removePrepare + addon; where.find('.slot, .slot-circle-wrapper').each(function() { jQuery(this).remove(); }); opt.transition = 0; opt.removePrepare = 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SLIDE SWAPS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // THE IMAGE IS LOADED, WIDTH, HEIGHT CAN BE SAVED var cutParams = function(a) { var b = a; if (a!=undefined && a.length>0) b = a.split("?")[0]; return b; } var relativeRedir = function(redir){ return location.pathname.replace(/(.*)\/[^/]*/, "$1/"+redir); } var abstorel = function (base, relative) { var stack = base.split("/"), parts = relative.split("/"); stack.pop(); // remove current file name (or empty string) // (omit if "base" is the current folder without trailing slash) for (var i=0; i
'); element.find('.tp-svg-innercontainer').append(loadobj.innerHTML); } // ELEMENT IS NOW FULLY LOADED element.data('loaded',true); } if (loadobj && loadobj.progress && loadobj.progress.match(/inprogress|inload|prepared/g)) if (!loadobj.error && jQuery.now()-element.data('start-to-load')<5000) waitforload = true; else { loadobj.progress="failed"; if (!loadobj.reported_img) { loadobj.reported_img = true; console.warn(src+" Could not be loaded !"); } } // WAIT FOR VIDEO API'S if (opt.youtubeapineeded == true && (!window['YT'] || YT.Player==undefined)) { waitforload = true; if (jQuery.now()-opt.youtubestarttime>5000 && opt.youtubewarning!=true) { opt.youtubewarning = true; var txt = "YouTube Api Could not be loaded !"; if (location.protocol === 'https:') txt = txt + " Please Check and Renew SSL Certificate !"; console.error(txt); opt.c.append('
') } } if (opt.vimeoapineeded == true && !window['Froogaloop']) { waitforload = true; if (jQuery.now()-opt.vimeostarttime>5000 && opt.vimeowarning!=true) { opt.vimeowarning= true; var txt = "Vimeo Froogaloop Api Could not be loaded !"; if (location.protocol === 'https:') txt = txt + " Please Check and Renew SSL Certificate !"; console.error(txt); opt.c.append('
') } } }); if (!_ISM && opt.audioqueue && opt.audioqueue.length>0) { jQuery.each(opt.audioqueue,function(i,obj) { if (obj.status && obj.status==="prepared") if (jQuery.now() - obj.start0) { opt.waitWithSwapSlide = setTimeout(function() { swapSlide(container,opt); },150); return false; } var actli = container.find('.active-revslide'), nextli = container.find('.next-revslide'), defimg= nextli.find('.defaultimg'); if (nextli.index() === actli.index()) { nextli.removeClass("next-revslide"); return false; } nextli.removeClass("next-revslide").addClass("processing-revslide"); nextli.data('slide_on_focus_amount',(nextli.data('slide_on_focus_amount')+1) || 1); // CHECK IF WE ARE ALREADY AT LAST ITEM TO PLAY IN REAL LOOP SESSION if (opt.stopLoop=="on" && nextli.index()==opt.lastslidetoshow-1) { container.find('.tp-bannertimer').css({'visibility':'hidden'}); container.trigger('revolution.slide.onstop'); opt.noloopanymore = 1; } // INCREASE LOOP AMOUNTS if (nextli.index()===opt.slideamount-1) { opt.looptogo=opt.looptogo-1; if (opt.looptogo<=0) opt.stopLoop="on"; } opt.tonpause = true; container.trigger('stoptimer'); opt.cd=0; if (opt.spinner==="off") container.find('.tp-loader').css({display:"none"}); else container.find('.tp-loader').css({display:"block"}); loadImages(nextli,opt,1); if (_R.preLoadAudio) _R.preLoadAudio(nextli,opt,1); // WAIT FOR SWAP SLIDE PROGRESS waitForCurrentImages(nextli,opt,function() { // MANAGE BG VIDEOS nextli.find('.rs-background-video-layer').each(function() { var _nc = jQuery(this); if (!_nc.hasClass("HasListener")) { _nc.data('bgvideo',1); if (_R.manageVideoLayer) _R.manageVideoLayer(_nc,opt); } if (_nc.find('.rs-fullvideo-cover').length==0) _nc.append('
') }); swapSlideProgress(opt,defimg,container) }); } ////////////////////////////////////// // - PROGRESS SWAP THE SLIDES - // ///////////////////////////////////// var swapSlideProgress = function(opt,defimg,container) { var actli = container.find('.active-revslide'), nextli = container.find('.processing-revslide'), actsh = actli.find('.slotholder'), nextsh = nextli.find('.slotholder'); opt.tonpause=false; opt.cd=0; container.find('.tp-loader').css({display:"none"}); // if ( opt.sliderType =="carousel") _R.prepareCarousel(opt); _R.setSize(opt); _R.slotSize(defimg,opt); if (_R.manageNavigation) _R.manageNavigation(opt); var data={}; data.nextslide=nextli; data.currentslide=actli; container.trigger('revolution.slide.onbeforeswap',data); opt.transition = 1; opt.videoplaying = false; // IF DELAY HAS BEEN SET VIA THE SLIDE, WE TAKE THE NEW VALUE, OTHER WAY THE OLD ONE... if (nextli.data('delay')!=undefined) { opt.cd=0; opt.delay=nextli.data('delay'); } else opt.delay=opt.origcd; if (nextli.data('ssop')=="true" || nextli.data('ssop')===true) opt.ssop = true else opt.ssop = false; container.trigger('nulltimer'); var ai = actli.index(), ni = nextli.index(); opt.sdir = ni-1) opt.looptogo=opt.stopAfterLoops; else opt.looptogo=9999999; if (opt.stopAtSlide!=undefined && opt.stopAtSlide>-1) opt.lastslidetoshow=opt.stopAtSlide; else opt.lastslidetoshow=999; opt.stopLoop="off"; if (opt.looptogo==0) opt.stopLoop="on"; var bt=container.find('.tp-bannertimer'); // LISTENERS //container.trigger('stoptimer'); container.on('stoptimer',function() { var bt = jQuery(this).find('.tp-bannertimer'); bt.data('tween').pause(); if (opt.disableProgressBar=="on") bt.css({visibility:"hidden"}); opt.sliderstatus = "paused"; _R.unToggleState(opt.slidertoggledby); }); container.on('starttimer',function() { if (opt.forcepause_viatoggle) return; if (opt.conthover!=1 && opt.videoplaying!=true && opt.width>opt.hideSliderAtLimit && opt.tonpause != true && opt.overnav !=true && opt.ssop!=true) if (opt.noloopanymore !== 1 && (!opt.viewPort.enable || opt.inviewport)) { bt.css({visibility:"visible"}); bt.data('tween').resume(); opt.sliderstatus = "playing"; } if (opt.disableProgressBar=="on") bt.css({visibility:"hidden"}); _R.toggleState(opt.slidertoggledby); }); container.on('restarttimer',function() { if (opt.forcepause_viatoggle) return; var bt = jQuery(this).find('.tp-bannertimer'); if (opt.mouseoncontainer && opt.navigation.onHoverStop=="on" && (!_ISM)) return false; if (opt.noloopanymore !== 1 && (!opt.viewPort.enable || opt.inviewport) && opt.ssop!=true) { bt.css({visibility:"visible"}); bt.data('tween').kill(); bt.data('tween',punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo(bt,opt.delay/1000,{width:"0%"},{force3D:"auto",width:"100%",ease:punchgs.Linear.easeNone,onComplete:countDownNext,delay:1})); opt.sliderstatus = "playing"; } if (opt.disableProgressBar=="on") bt.css({visibility:"hidden"}); _R.toggleState(opt.slidertoggledby); }); container.on('nulltimer',function() { bt.data('tween').kill(); bt.data('tween',punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo(bt,opt.delay/1000,{width:"0%"},{force3D:"auto",width:"100%",ease:punchgs.Linear.easeNone,onComplete:countDownNext,delay:1})); bt.data('tween').pause(0); if (opt.disableProgressBar=="on") bt.css({visibility:"hidden"}); opt.sliderstatus = "paused"; }); var countDownNext = function() { if (jQuery('body').find(container).length==0) { removeAllListeners(container,opt); clearInterval(opt.cdint); } container.trigger("revolution.slide.slideatend"); //STATE OF API CHANGED -> MOVE TO AIP BETTER if (container.data('conthover-changed') == 1) { opt.conthover= container.data('conthover'); container.data('conthover-changed',0); } _R.callingNewSlide(opt,container,1); } bt.data('tween',punchgs.TweenLite.fromTo(bt,opt.delay/1000,{width:"0%"},{force3D:"auto",width:"100%",ease:punchgs.Linear.easeNone,onComplete:countDownNext,delay:1})); bt.data('opt',opt); if (opt.slideamount >1 && !(opt.stopAfterLoops==0 && opt.stopAtSlide==1)) { container.trigger("starttimer"); } else { opt.noloopanymore = 1; container.trigger("nulltimer"); } container.on('tp-mouseenter',function() { opt.mouseoncontainer = true; if (opt.navigation.onHoverStop=="on" && (!_ISM)) { container.trigger('stoptimer'); container.trigger('revolution.slide.onpause'); } }); container.on('tp-mouseleft',function() { opt.mouseoncontainer = false; if (container.data('conthover')!=1 && opt.navigation.onHoverStop=="on" && ((opt.viewPort.enable==true && opt.inviewport) || opt.viewPort.enable==false)) { container.trigger('revolution.slide.onresume'); container.trigger('starttimer'); } }); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // * Revolution Slider - NEEDFULL FUNCTIONS // * @version: 1.0 (30.10.2014) // * @author ThemePunch ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // - BLUR / FOXUS FUNCTIONS ON BROWSER var vis = (function(){ var stateKey, eventKey, keys = { hidden: "visibilitychange", webkitHidden: "webkitvisibilitychange", mozHidden: "mozvisibilitychange", msHidden: "msvisibilitychange" }; for (stateKey in keys) { if (stateKey in document) { eventKey = keys[stateKey]; break; } } return function(c) { if (c) document.addEventListener(eventKey, c); return !document[stateKey]; } })(); var restartOnFocus = function(opt) { if (opt==undefined || opt.c==undefined) return false; if (opt.windowfocused!=true) { opt.windowfocused = true; punchgs.TweenLite.delayedCall(0.3,function(){ // TAB IS ACTIVE, WE CAN START ANY PART OF THE SLIDER if (opt.fallbacks.nextSlideOnWindowFocus=="on") opt.c.revnext(); opt.c.revredraw(); if (opt.lastsliderstatus=="playing") opt.c.revresume(); }); } } var lastStatBlur = function(opt) { opt.windowfocused = false; opt.lastsliderstatus = opt.sliderstatus; opt.c.revpause(); var actsh = opt.c.find('.active-revslide .slotholder'), nextsh = opt.c.find('.processing-revslide .slotholder'); if (nextsh.data('kenburns')=="on") _R.stopKenBurn(nextsh,opt); if (actsh.data('kenburns')=="on") _R.stopKenBurn(actsh,opt); } var tabBlurringCheck = function(container,opt) { var notIE = (document.documentMode === undefined), isChromium = window.chrome; if (notIE && !isChromium) { // checks for Firefox and other NON IE Chrome versions jQuery(window).on("focusin", function () { restartOnFocus(opt); }).on("focusout", function () { lastStatBlur(opt); }); } else { // checks for IE and Chromium versions if (window.addEventListener) { // bind focus event window.addEventListener("focus", function (event) { restartOnFocus(opt); }, false); // bind blur event window.addEventListener("blur", function (event) { lastStatBlur(opt); }, false); } else { // bind focus event window.attachEvent("focus", function (event) { restartOnFocus(opt); }); // bind focus event window.attachEvent("blur", function (event) { lastStatBlur(opt); }); } } } // - GET THE URL PARAMETER // var getUrlVars = function (hashdivider){ var vars = [], hash; var hashes = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf(hashdivider) + 1).split('_'); for(var i = 0; i < hashes.length; i++) { hashes[i] = hashes[i].replace('%3D',"="); hash = hashes[i].split('='); vars.push(hash[0]); vars[hash[0]] = hash[1]; } return vars; } })(jQuery);